Evicting the mice from your workplace is not enough because you also have to clean up after them. These fuzzy, adorable creatures may appear fragile and harmless. Still, they can carry life-threatening diseases, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and salmonellosis, which can prove fatal. Germs lurk in rat urine and feces even after the rats have been dispatched, so thorough cleaning is essential.
Here are a few tips for cleaning up a mouse-infested area and protecting the health of your workers.
Before cleaning the area, open the windows for at least 30 minutes to allow fresh air to circulate. Then let the area air out.
Cleaning a mouse-infested area with your bare hands is not a good idea. The surface may appear clean but isn't. When mice are scared, they urinate. They may also occasionally stroll through urine-soaked places, tracking germs on the bottoms of their small, filthy feet.
Make sure you have a pair of latex, vinyl, or rubber gloves before you proceed with the cleaning, and keep them on throughout the process. Spraying the gloves with disinfectant regularly will help avoid infecting other surfaces, especially before handling clean surfaces like doorknobs and cabinet handles.
Mouse urine and feces dry up fast, but removing the moisture alone does not eradicate bacteria. By mopping with a broom and vacuum cleaner, you can scoop the majority of the filth. However, it also releases microscopic particles in the air, where they can be swallowed and spread disease.
Instead, opt for a disinfectant mixture for drenching rat droppings, rat nests, and another area where rats have stayed. You can also apply a bleach solution. Spray the bleach or disinfectant on the affected area and leave for 10 minutes. Then, wipe the droppings or nest materials with a rag or paper towel, and dispose of a bin.
Wipe down mouse-infested desks, floors, and other surfaces with disinfectant. Mop the floors in the affected areas. You can use a disposable mop head and paper towels or sponges that may be thrown away after use. It's important to remember that moisture (saturated) is beneficial. Affected carpets, furniture, and area rugs should be shampooed, or steam cleaned.
Scoop up debris and dispose of it in the garbage once the areas you want to clean are wet. Be methodical and thorough. Any areas where you suspect the mice have been active should be cleaned.
Mouse waste should be bagged twice, one within the other and tied together tightly. Place bags outside as soon as possible after cleaning to be picked up.
Before removing your scrub gloves, disinfect them, then wash your hands completely after you've completed cleaning. Scrub your hands with warm water thoroughly and apply soap. It will loosen bacteria, allowing them to be washed away by the rinse water.
After washing your hands, promptly change your clothes and wash your cleaning clothes in hot water with detergent.
A collection of rodent droppings can wreak havoc on the cleanliness of your commercial area. But why risk your health and safety when a professional cleaner like Haimen Cleaning Service can get the job done for you!
Our team of experts is highly trained in decontaminating offices from various biohazards and pollutants, including rodent infestation.
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