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The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Tiled Floors

Cleaning Tile Floors with Mild Detergent

A mild detergent can be used to clean your tile flooring. Mild detergents are intended to dissolve filth without the harshness of vinegar. To wash the tile with detergent, follow these steps:

  • Grab a bucket and combine the detergent and water to form a cleaning solution.
  • Take a mop and dip it into this solution.
  • Squeeze and rinse your tiles, making sure to get into all the cracks and crevices.
  • After that, use a cloth or towel to dry the floor.

Note: The lower pH levels of mild detergents will not harm your floors.

Clean Ceramic and Porcelain Tile Floors

You can clean ceramic tiles with a microfiber mop rather than a sponge mop and clean water solution. As sponge mops tend to drive filthy water into the grout lines, making them difficult to clean, these mops are ideal for cleaning tile floors.

If your tiles don't shine after washing, you may be dealing with soapy residue. Use a nonabrasive all-purpose cleanser to remove the film. 

Ceramic or porcelain tiles can also be cleaned using a DIY cleaner containing moderate acid, such as fresh lemon juice.

Deep Clean Floor Tiles with Vinegar

Vinegar is an excellent all-purpose cleanser that is especially good at effectively cleaning tile floors. It can remove grease, but its acidity can also remove the protective varnish from your tile. This is why it's critical to use a moderate vinegar solution.

  • For every quart of water, use 1/4 cup of vinegar to make a cleaning mixture.
  • Fill a spray bottle halfway with this mixture.
  • Allow it to settle for a couple of minutes on the tiles.
  • Using a brush or sponge, mop the floor.
  • Finally, use clean water to rinse the tile floors.

You can hire the Haimen professional cleaners in Saskatoon for floor cleaning, and the services also include floor polishing in Saskatoon.

Spot Treat Stains

Stains are rare since most tiles are nonporous. Moping typically releases dried-on splatters, although a stain might be more persistent.

If stains persist, use hot water and detergent, followed by a dab with hydrogen peroxide to lift them. You can also use club soda or baking soda to remove the grease stains.

However, if the stains are dry, allow a cleaning solution to rest for a few minutes on the floor and then mop it.

Let the Professionals Handle it

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